Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recent Studies About Television Viewing

Background TV found to have negative effect on parent-child interactions
When the TV was on, the researchers found, both the quantity and the quality of interactions between parents and children dropped. Specifically, parents spent about 20 percent less time talking to their children and the quality of the interactions declined, with parents less active, attentive, and responsive to their youngsters.

Children under 3 can't learn action words from TV - unless an adult helps
Without adult support, children under age 3 could not learn the words directly from the program, nor could they understand them when they appeared in a different context within the video.

DHA Enhanced Infant Formula Research

A new study indicates that if you have to bottle feed a baby it may be wise to use formula that has had DHA added.

See PhysOrg: Supplementing babies' formula with DHA boosts cognitive development

Friday, September 18, 2009

When Reverse Psychology Works

If, as a parent, you have hit a wall in trying to change a child's behavior, there is observational research that indicates showing disinterest in if the child does or does not do what the parent requests can be effective in producing the desired result.

See Slate: Plan B: What to do when all else has failed to change your kid's behavior
...back off almost entirely: to stop asking their child to do the desired behavior and say it's OK not to do it at all, stop offering praise or other rewards for doing it, and mask their attitude of engaged enthusiasm or frustrated rage with an appearance of bland disinterest in whether the child does it or not. What happens next, frequently, is that within a day or two the child starts doing the behavior with no prompting from parents or anyone else. If you try something similar with your own recalcitrant child, within a few days he or she may well be using the toilet, eating green beans, or bathing without dire struggles.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Security Software Spying On Your Kids

Maybe these companies are looking for help in building Funzo?

From the AP wire: Web-monitoring software gathers data on kid chats
Software sold under the Sentry and FamilySafe brands can read private chats conducted through Yahoo, MSN, AOL and other services, and send back data on what kids are saying about such things as movies, music or video games. The information is then offered to businesses seeking ways to tailor their marketing messages to kids.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Making A Base

As mentioned before on this site: Kids Need Domestic Stability

New research reinforces the idea that what kids need to thrive is a stable base to grow upon: Family stability may be more crucial than two parents for child success
The advantage that children get from living in two-parent families may actually be due to family stability more than the fact that their parents are married. A new study finds that children who who are born and grow up in stable single-parent homes generally do as well as those in married households in terms of academic abilities and behavior problems.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chamomile Tea Can Soothe Colic

It's a fact according to the NYT: Chamomile Can Soothe a Colicky Baby

Wish I would have known about this earlier.