Friday, April 30, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Peers And Parents And Teen Behavior

It appears that even good parents will have kids who experiment with drugs, but drug addicts can be predicted by the teenager's peer group.

See PsyToday: Do parents cause drug addictions in teens?
Happy children who enjoy a supportive relationship with their parents may occasionally use drugs, or have drug-using friends, but rarely get identified with drug-using cliques.

A School Is Trying To Work With The Teenage Brain

We all remember how difficult it was to wake up to get to school on time or rouse ourselves up for the 8 AM college class.

Now a school in the U.K. is starting classes 1 hr later and is seeing success with absenteeism rates. If this experiment is successful hopefully other schools will try it too.

See FastCompany: Why Sleeping In an Extra Hour Spelled Success for One UK School

Wednesday, April 7, 2010